Looking back on the International Women's Strike, one week later.
Young Electorates Speak: Ogechi Egonu, Paige Bentum, and Ugochi Egonu
For the past few months, historic houses have been shedding their designers like snake’s skin. Peter Dundas left Pucci, transferring to Roberto Cavalli, and Massimo Giorgetti took over. Alexander Wang ended his contract on Balenciaga, handing the reins to Vetements' Demna Gvasalia. Raf Simons abruptly left Dior, and Alber Elbaz's ongoing fourteen year contract at Lanvin was ended by its shareholder. Carmen Lima's sketch, below, of a musical chairs game captures the chaos that’s plaguing fashion houses.
Now, readers, we have a challenge. How do you feel about this madness? Download this image off teeneyemagazine.com, fill it in how you see fit (are the designers in the middle of a raging war scene? Would a graphic collage best express this panic?), and either email us the final picture, or tag it to #teeneyecoloringbook on Twitter, Tumblr, or Instagram. We will feature our favorites in the next issue!
Examples, courtesy of Em.
If you'd like to be considered, don't forget to leave Carmen's credit visible (it's only fair!) and either tag us or make your subject line #TeenEyeColoring book. We can't wait to see your take!