Poem of The Week: "that is my name" by Warda S
This poem is part of our new series, Poem Of The Week. Stay tuned each Wednesday for a new piece, and don't forget to submit your own work to info@teeneyemagazine.com!
that is my name
Warda S
That is my name.
You can find me in the flower fields of the Netherlands, or just out in your backyard.
I inhabit a scent so vibrant not even the pollinating bees can grasp.
Warda is my label and it shall be said with respect and appreciation.
A name so delicate, strong, and free is often confused with such a vulgar word. “TERRORIST”.
Now every time I hear that word I get a rush in my body that only occurs when I hear that word. When I hear “TERRORIST” I feel as though I have lost a piece of me. That bitter word is toxic to my roots, each time it is said one of my petals decay. Thou shall never be mistaken that after I lose a soft petal I am left with a bud that replenishes itself much stronger than the previous.
Ter·ror·ist- A word you use to describe someone who uses unlawful violence. A word I use to describe Steven Paddock, some may use “lone wolf” but wolves travel in packs and have morals. Steven was traveling with rifles and nothing but his sick mindset.
Terrorists are people who participated in the act of terror in Manchester, and London. Don’t you dare get that mixed up with my fellow Muslims.
A few hear the word Muslim and their faces flush with fear.
Though it should be, when the word is said your mind is infused with Culture, Acceptance, Love, Equality, Struggle, and strength.
To all my fellow buds of joy;
Carry on with your beauty because what you have to offer shouldn’t be diminished by the chaos in the media.
Beauty is your authentic name; Asiya, Ayesha, Zeynab-
It is the way you wear that hijab so modestly.
That is my name.
Warda Sheikh, is a 16 year old Somali girl born and raised in Toronto. Growing up, she has always had passion for writing. Short stories, rants, and poetry are her favourite way to releasing all her emotions and thoughts. Warda formulates pieces because of the way society makes her feel. Pieces about being black, woman, Muslims, and culture, are her specialties. She is an aspiring writer, and is well on her way to having her work recognized by the world.