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Let's Talk About Treason

If you’ve heard or read the recent “failing New York Times’” op-ed, there is a good chance you’re also aware that a certain American president has accused the anonymous writer of treason.

For those who do not have a clue about what I’m referring to, not to fret. We’ve got you covered.

This winding White House incident started on September 5, when the New York Times made the rare decision to publish an anonymous op-ed titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration.” Among stating that Trump is unfit to make decisions, the senior administration official also stated that they and a group of other officials against Trump “are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”

The op-ed set Capitol Hill abuzz with rumors and denials of who wrote the scathing piece. Some say Mike Pence, others believe it is the late John McCain.

Whoever it is, it’s no surprise that Trump is on the hunt to find the writer. His first reaction, though, before scathing anger, was to tweet one simple word:

Donald Trump, Twitter

Donald Trump, Twitter

Well, President Trump, we’re here to set the story straight. Although we at Teen Eye do not know who wrote the op-ed, we can tell you if it was treason.

First, we need to understand what the word “treason” means. Google’s dictionary describes it as “the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

It’s a term almost too simple to be true, but one that is often used incorrectly.

Second, we can break the question down into two parts: if writing the op-ed was treasonous and if the activities described in the op-ed are treasonous.

Writing the op-ed was 100 percent not treasonous. In fact, writing anything at all is a right, one so important that our founders made it the very first right ever established in America. The first Amendment allows Americans the freedom of speech.

Determining if the activities the Resistance inside the Trump administration are engaging in is a more complicated story. We don’t actually know what exactly the group is doing except that they are taking steps to “do what they can” and “steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.

So, while we don’t know what exactly how they’re pursuing their goal, we do know what the Constitution would consider treasonous activities. According to Article 3, Section 3, treasonous activities “shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

In our opinion, the chances that the Resistance, who claims to that “their first duty is to this country,” is levying war or working with our enemies is extremely slim. Under that realistic assumption, the answer to whether or not their activities is treason against the nation is clear. Disloyalty to the President is not synonymous to treason.

We have finally reached a conclusion, President Trump.

“TREASON?” you ask.

“NO!” We shout.