Readers -
We've been teasing you all with little details about Issue 5. You know we've been working hard as a brand new team to come up with something exciting, something relevant, something to let you all express yourselves fully and completely.
We're happy to share that today, we get to share that theme with all of you.
The theme for our Autumn 2016 issue is -- wait while we savor the final second of suspense -- THE ICON ISSUE.
In this issue, we’ll examine what it truly means to be an icon in the modern world - but we need your help. We are, as usual, searching for young artists, writers, photographers and interviewers to answer some iconic questions: what does the word icon mean in 2016? How has social media changed the meaning of the word? Is being iconic defined by following or talent? What or who defines the status of an icon? What exactly does being an icon entail? Do we want to be icons?
Consider these questions, and check out our pitch guide to get full details on how to submit your work (of course, you can always reach out to us if you have more questions). We're at your beck and call.
We are so excited for this issue, and we hope you are too. We can’t wait to hear your ideas!
As always, with love,
The Teen Eye Team
Icon image from Ground Zero FW16, edited from our archive.