Ingrid Williams - Interview
Em Odesser sits down with rising fashion model, Ingrid Williams, to speak about beauty, travelling, and relationships.
If your best friend was describing you to someone who’s never met or heard of you, what would they say? Hmm, probably that I’m confident and outgoing!
How would you define “cool”? Someone who isn’t so caught up in society’s expectations of them and they kind of just do whatever they like.
What are your perceptions of beauty? What makes a human beautiful? I think beauty is defined by what’s on the inside rather than the outside. If you are a kind hearted human, to me you are the most beautiful person in the world. To be beautiful is to be kind.
Whats the greatest lesson you’ve learned traveling around the world? To not take for granted what I have at home.
Describe our generation in three words: This is a hard question! I think sometimes our generation can be quite selfish and overtaken by social media. However, I think our generation is also creative and ambitious!
Do you channel anyone when you’re being photographed/walking on the runway? Lately I have been channeling Emily Ratajkowski because she is an absolute babe and I have a MASSIVE girl crush on her.
What are the three essential things that complete your wardrobe? My earrings are my life. Also my vintage denim jacket and my high waisted Sandro jeans!
What would people be surprised to learn about you? What would people be surprised to learn about the modeling world? Hmm probably that I am a little insecure. Modelling is a lot harder than its made out to be. It takes a lot of hard work and effort! You’re either all in or out!
What song never fails to make you happy? Budapest by George Ezra
If you could pick one book for everyone in the world to read, what would it be? Lord of the Rings
Does social media help or hurt real life relationships? Probably more hurt than help. Social media can be quite horrible and people can be extremely cruel at times.
The clichè question: what advice would you give to younger models just starting out? Can you describe your experiences entering the modeling world? Just be positive and its okay if you start slow. Everyone has to come from somewhere and in the beginning we are all learning and working it out! Don’t be stressed about not getting jobs because honestly every single model in this world has gotten more noes than yeses in her career!
Did you have a big break? If, so what was it? I don’t know if you’d call it a big break but I guess the biggest jobs I have done was walking for Victoria Beckham, Oscar De La Renta and Chanel in Singapore.